Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Bath

I did my own bathing, thank you very much. This was my first Indian shower, so I had to remember the technique from conversations (thank you again, Atit, you've been my font of needful information).

Most Indian bathrooms don't have enclosures separating the spraying water from the other fixtures -- they figure water is water and it's ok if it splashes around. Typically a big bucket is filled with water from a faucet on the wall, and the shower-er takes a big plastic cup and pours water over himself. The washing and rinsing is done with the big cup. Easy peasy, right?

Except, to continue the comical disconnects of the day, a plumbing repair had come at just this hour, so the water in the house was turned off. Someone had filled two big buckets (somewhere…) and brought to the bathroom in prep.

I did ok. For my first time. It takes practice to implement a new process. :-D

Maybe I didn't rinse enough, definitely I didn't get all the oil off. But I will do better next time.

After I was done with my massage and my ablutions, Padma insisted that I nap. And when I awoke the entire troupe of travelers were asleep on the bed in the air conditioned bedroom.

It was a very good nap.

And then I made my way to Lek's.

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