Saturday, June 7, 2014


The next 'morning' we were greeted with a hot breakfast -- a turkey sandwich with some white cheese the consistency of a melted margarine tub, and yogurt (I think that was the breakfast part). Plus the yummy cookie again.

By this time I had tied a scarf around my head, and I looked exactly like these girls:

I would like to consider I did this this as much out of cultural respect as it was to hide my second-day hair -- but in truth my magnanimity is probably only about 30% of the whole.

In short order we had landed and were standing in the Dubai airport -- where I was surprised and saddened that neither the floors nor the bathrooms were plated in gold. And the only thing in sight at that time coated with oil was, unfortunately, my face. And no ski slopes!!

Although there were some nice lounge chairs -- like beach lounge chairs -- at the gate. So travellers can stretch out and prop their feet up for long waits.

The duty free shop was very nice indeed, as had been touted over the 'net. Unfortunately -- or fortunately depending on how you think -- I never really have any inclination to make purchases at duty-free… There's never anything there that I need or want… Except maybe a little candy sumpin-sumpin… and I don't need to make that purchase. The Dubai Duty Free was no exception -- I bought a roll of Mentos.

We brushed our teeth, splashed our faces, learned it was actually mid-afternoon, had a smoothie, and waited to start our final leg just a few hours away.

Here is Rose, practicing her limbo at the smoothie shop:

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