Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bloody Saturday

Saturday morning again. The sounds of cricket being played in the dirt field outside the dining room balcony.

The sky in the distance holds dark clouds, but the rain never comes. I can see them piling on one another, but they stay away. Supposedly rain serves to 'break the heat'. Yet, the temps this morning were very nice – low humidity and nice breeze. We actually left the doors open for thirty minutes.  

It was a weird day, there was something ominous in the air. In the morning the cricketers left almost immediately after they arrived. And the shepherd brought over the water buffalo but they wouldn’t go into the pond -- they just kept trying to leave, with the shepherd running and shooing all around. Finally he took them back to wherever they live.

He tried to bring them again a few hours later, but again the buffalo wouldn’t go to the water and he gave up.  

I have been trying to help out around the house -- to earn my keep. Today Lekha was showing me the water softener machine, which is on the balcony off the kitchen… and my eyes were looking in a different direction than my feet….. and I hit my head on a corner of cabinet. It bled immediately, and bad, pouring down onto my forehead… we iced it and stopped the bleeding… (Lek as a mother -- imagine it guys!)

I’m fine…. I never got a headache, and the ice apparently kept it from swelling.

I stood on the balcony and watched the goings on around us.

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