Wednesday, June 11, 2014

From the Window

After the errands, it was a typical Saturday. Lek and NB bustled around the apartment, doing their typical weekend stuff. I gazed out the windows at the life all around.

HiTech City is basically like Miami, only without an ocean. Gleaming white high rises stand all around, lush tropical plants grow both in planned landscaping and naturally.

Out Lek's window there are other apartment buildings standing tall around. We are grouped ready to pounce around a huge piece of undeveloped land, left to its own abandon, perhaps ownership in dispute, and definitely not cashing in. In the left corner closest to us is a shallow water hole -- it may be fine to call it a pond -- where water plants have sprung up. Each day someone brings over a herd of less than twenty water buffalo, complete with calves, to hang out. Where do they go at night?

In the center on the right is an area where pick-up game cricketers have pounded away the scrubby grasses. They come early morning on the weekends, arriving on their motorbikes, and play all day. As usual, the rules of the game, and the attraction, elude me, but these boys are fanatics.

Lek's apartment has a huge clubhouse that houses a gym, nice outdoor pool, banquet hall, and giant lush lawn. In the lawn preparations for an elaborate wedding reception are underway. I watch as a gazebo is constructed on the stage, and an archway is constructed over the entrance to the lawn. Both are wrapped in fabric and covered with decorations. Dining tables and chairs are set up. A large food line with table cloths and silver chafing dishes are arranged. A guy spends a lot of time constructing artificial trees out of leaf-less branches, where he hangs clear glasses with tea light candles.

The preparations take all day. Around 6pm uniformed servers appear. We're very curious, so Kuku (NB's mom) and I go downstairs to take a look. Here are some photos below (I know my photos suck, get used to it):


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