Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Shifting Apartments

Lax's niece Sai, Pad's daughter, was charged with driving me from the city proper out to Lek's apt in HiTech City. She and Lax would also be running an errand and picking up Pad from a friend's house.

As we set out from the house I realized this was the first time I've been out into actual traffic, as the previous morning from the airport did not count… Apparently Hybad traffic is dead from 11pm until 7am. It was certainly not dead this evening!

Night was falling and there were so many vehicles on the road. The lines are a suggestion, not a rule. And beeping does not mean "What are you doing, you freakin' idiot!", but instead means "Kindly be aware fellow traveler that I am right here behind you".

I can say with all honesty that driving in Hyderabad is an art form and Sai is an artiste. She takes this route everyday to her university, so is very familiar. She weaves in and out of the traffic with the best.

The buildings in Lek's community are lettered as you drill deeper into the complex and away from the main road -- A, B, C. In walking through the parking lot toward the elevator we notice lawns and palm trees. Lek comes down to greet us and help bring the bags.

We are all amazed by the apartment.

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