Monday, June 23, 2014

First Day in Office (Con't)

Within minutes I have a visitor -- a longtime friend. We started working together in 1997 with the same consulting firm at a corporate site beginning just weeks after he arrived in the US from India. Srini and I worked together off and on for 5+ years, and have stayed in touch. It's really great connecting with an old friend -- and this time in his ballpark!

His group was having a team-building ping pong tourney, which Srini was playing in. There were also Carrom games going on.

I had an Indian donut and a Coke (my first American treat in five days).

Afterwards I have planned to work on a deliverable and catch up on some required training, but as the US wakes up a problem comes to light and I spend time chasing down the issue. It feels good to be contributing from so far away from my office.

By the end of the day my US badge has been activated.

We go home, and have our tea ritual.

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