Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Dream

My vision cleared and I found myself looking into ripples of the most beautiful blues. Closer to me darker translucent indigo, royal, cornflower, farther away aquamarine and turquoise, rippling, rippling, melding and moving. My body was rippling, and warm. Warmth on my face and shoulders. Eyelids and ears.

As I turned my face up into the warmth I saw in the unfocused distance a visual cacophony of greens and greys and fuchsias, spilled together in abandon and pressing against rectangles of bright white, salmon pink, butter yellow, pale sea blue.

And always was the sound. The unceasing sound! A thousand gulls fighting for crumbs or the whine of dental machinery ... I couldn't quite place it but it was horribly annoying, insistent in its primal need to be heard. To interrupt and overwhelm the revelry of the beautiful colors and wonderful warmth of every creature within earshot. 'Pay no attention to the beauty that surrounds you, just listen to me, me, me!' it seemed to shriek and shrill.

It was then that the accompaniment started, and I knew I had heard this baleful rhythm before. I got a fleeting sense of Charlton Heston and then the vision was gone, chased away by increased stridency of the original clamor, fearful and needy.

And I awoke to the beep-beep beep-beep of my mobile. Lax had sent me the Indian phone number.

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