Sunday, March 16, 2014

Road Trip!

I've always been captivated by thoughts of India. The sheer foreignness to my own tiny life and experiences was overwhelming while also being alluring. The spice, the heat, the colors, the fabrics, the food, the culture, the mythology and history. And so for years India has been on my list, in the bottom of the bucket beneath the American and European hot spots, relegated for some future as yet unknown.

Until my friend Lax IM-ed me at the office to say "I'm going to India to visit my father. Come along."

My immediate knee jerk response was, Oh, I can't do that. But why not?, my adventurous side asked.

As I counted through the list and countered each objection, I begin to think it actually was possible for me to take this long anticipated trip. Though not at the time in my life I had imagined… and not in the manner I had imagined. And hey, what's wrong with some spontaneity in my otherwise ordered, scheduled, bits-on bits-off life?

So I said yes. Let's do this!

This the story of my journey to India. The plans, the anticipation, the dreams, and the reality. I hope you enjoy it…. I hope I enjoy it!

(I was a little late in putting my blog site together, so I will have a number of postings in quick succession until I catch up with real time.)

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