Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sightseeing in Hybad

I decided early on that I didn't want my strongest memory of India to be the inside of a homogeneous could-be-anywhere airport. I don't want to take the American-style two-days-one-night-in-each-city whirlwind tour, where I come back to the US convinced I've seen and done everything noteworthy when in reality I've only seen carefully choreographed tourist mating dances.

I want depth of experience, immersion. I want to get to know the cities I'll be in. I want to see them as their residents see them. I want to feel like I'm at home (without handstands). I want it to be my 'hood.

Lax has promised to take me sightseeing when she takes Mellissa and Rose out and about in Hyderabad. There are a number of bazaars, one seemingly dedicated to bangle bracelets. There are temples and a fort with a beautiful light show. There is a fancy-schmancy palace hotel where rooms start at $800 per night. There is a lake in the center of town, and alongside is a walkway where residents stroll and dine in the evening.

She has also said we would go out into the countryside to her 'home village', where there is a 600 year old palace.

So that takes care of Hyderabad. On to Chennai.

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