Monday, May 26, 2014

A Day at The Spa

While Ayurveda is a traditional medicine system that encompasses all facets of human life, it's the relaxation part I'm most interested in experiencing.

How does this sound for a day at the spa:

  • Padaprakshalanam (Traditional Foot Massage) is given concentrating on the vital points on the feet to activate the subtle energy channels. This gives a very soothing effect. 
  • This is then followed by Siro-Abhyangam, traditional head massage with herbal oils -- which promotes harmony and balance in the body by freeing constrictions within the facial muscles and connective tissue. Pressure along specific pressure points on the face and scalp helps to release all the stress-induced toxins from your face and restore it to its natural balance. The therapist uses his or her fingers to stimulate these pressure points by using special massage techniques. In addition to detoxifying your face, the medicated oils helps your facial muscles relax from their contracted state. It removes any stress induced blockages that are present in the muscles and in doing so, also ensures that you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. All the nervous system starts activating to improve the blood flow to all the parts of the body. 
  • As the feet and head are completely relaxed it’s the time of the body to get relaxed which is accomplished by our Abhyangam - medicated herbal oils are massaged into the body by two therapists in a synchronized manner for 45 minutes. The number of strokes and pressure vary with the condition of the individual, which opens up all the lymphatic channels and allows the flow of the blood to all the vital regions. 
  • The body is then given a through scrub called Twak Shodhanam, consisting of special herbal powders mixed with grated coconut -- exfoliating the dead skin and moisturizing the new layer. Then the skin is covered with a cooling pack called Kaya Lepam. 
  • Mukha-abhyangam (Face massage) and Nethradhara (eye treatment) are done as the body pack is left for drying. 

All for less than USD100... not including tip.

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