Monday, May 26, 2014

Conspicuous Consumption Part 1

I've always dreamed of having an Indian-style bedroom.

While my earliest visions may have their roots in the 1960's, when kurta-wearing hippies lounging on Ikat floor pillows were enveloped by scents of hashish and sounds of Jefferson Airplane, the times they have a-changed and my tastes are a tad more cosmopolitan now.

Though this delivery into adulthood has not succeeded in totally suppressing my dreams of an Indian-style bedroom -- it's simply refined the vision into one with just a few bright coordinating-color-contrasting-pattern splashes layered with solids I find here at home. Maybe a fun, unexpected paint color to fly off the walls. A visual cacophony.

Which is one reason I am so excited to visit a real Indian bazaar. India is renown for fabrics -- cotton in particular -- and I've been looking online for inspiration, to get my creative juices flowing. I want to ensure that when I am there in the bazaar with my rupees in hand and a friend to do the haggling, I can spot what I want and make a fast decision.


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