Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Chennai to Pondy (Part 1)

We drove south on the East Coast Road (ECR) with the water on our left, passing through Mahabalipuram. I had been encouraged by various folks to stop in and take a look at this or that oceanfront resort on my way as they are very luxurious along this stretch, but as we were driving down this long straight highway (with minimal, by Indian standards, traffic) we continued to weave in and out around the lonely auto rickshaw or motorcycle.

And I found myself having a feeling I haven't had since I was a pre-teen -- car sick. Yep, I was one of those kids who (before the kids-must-sit-in-the-back-seat-and-be-harnessed-in-like-Clydesdales-on-the-Bud-truck laws) was always allowed to sit in the front seat, otherwise any trip over twenty minutes in length would result in the dreaded car sickness.

I almost didn't recognize the symptoms, and initially thought I'd eaten something taboo… perhaps a slice of fruit at the Sheraton that had been washed in (gasp!) tap water. :-o

But then I came to my (gulp) senses, and started drinking lots of water and gazing through our car windows at the sights all around. Praying for us to reach Pondy soon!

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